10 New Plants For Pantone’s 2018 Color Of The Year

1. Syringa ‘BailBridget’ PPAF

Common name: First Editions® Virtual Violet™ lilac
Trademark: PPAF
Introduced by: First Editions® Plants
USDA hardiness zone: Zones 3 to 7
Ornamental features: Shiny violet new leaves, deep purple stems, raspberry-purple buds and fragrant violet flowers; leaf petioles remain violet well into summer
Habit, size: Dense, upright; 6 to 8 feet tall by 5 to 7 feet wide
Culture: Full sun
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: None indicated
Availability: #2, #3 and #5 containers

2. Nepeta ‘Bokratune’

Common nameNepeta Neptune
Trademark: PPAF
Introduced by: Concept Plants BV
USDA hardiness zone: Zone 5a
Ornamental features: Large, blue flowers; flowers abundantly and is reblooming; firm foliage can be used for tea
Habit, size: Compact, bushy; 8 inches tall by 8 inches wide
Culture: Full sun, semishade; sand, loam calcium-rich soil
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: None indicated
Availability: Liners; bare root; 2 plant containers

3. Penstemon ‘Pmoore14’

Common name: Penstemon Purple Candles
Trademark: PP27,315
Introduced by: Concept Plants BV
USDA hardiness zone: Zone 6a
Ornamental features: A perfect purple Penstemon with bicolored flowers and very large flower clusters; flowers abundantly and reblooms after pruning
Habit, size: 12 inches tall by 16 inches wide
Culture: Full sun; well-drained soil
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: None indicated
Availability: Liners; bare root; 2 plant containers

4. Salvia nemorosa

Common name: Sage
Trademark: ‘Rose Marvel’ PPAF
Introduced by: Darwin Perennials
USDA hardiness zone: Zones 4a to 9b
Ornamental features: Largest flowers of any rose or pink S. nemorosa on the market; stunning display of color in spring and summer
Habit, size: 10 to 12 inches
Culture: Plant in sunny location; fertilize monthly for best plant health and flowering
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: Susceptible to spider mites
Availability: Liners; quart, 1-gallon, 2-3 gallon

5. Stachys’ Summer Romance

Common name: Betony
Trademark: PPAF
Introduced by: Intrinsic Perennial Gardens Inc.
USDA hardiness zone: Zones 4 to 9
Ornamental features: Vigorous plants have crinkled green foliage that looks great all season; June into July, short spikes of pink-purple bloom on 24-inch stems
Habit, size: 18 to 24 inches tall by 18 inches wide
Culture: Full sun to light shade; well-drained, average to light soil
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: Long-lived and trouble-free; deer resistant
Availability: Liners; 70-plug and 1-gallon containers

6. Hibiscus’ moscheutos ‘4406’ PPAF

Common name: Ambrosia™ perennial hibiscus
Trademark: Summer Spice® Ambrosia™ PPAF
Introduced by: J. Berry Nursery
USDA hardiness zone: Zone 5
Ornamental features: The Summer Spice Perennial Hibiscus Collection features never-before-seen bloom colors, flower forms and naturally compact growth habits; Ambrosia features dramatic, bright pink blooms
Habit, size: Naturally compact; 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide
Culture: Full sun; keep soil moist but not saturated
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: None indicated
Availability: Liners; 1- and 2-gallon containers

7. Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Twister’

Common name: ‘Green Twister’ purple coneflower
Trademark: Not indicated
Introduced by: Jelitto Perennial Seeds
USDA hardiness zone: Zones 3 to 8
Ornamental features: Lemon-green petals emerge and carmine-red centers increase with age; horizontal petals; uniform, sturdy habit with abundant flowers
Habit, size: Will grow like ‘Magnus’; 40 inches tall and wide
Culture: Full sun; average garden soil and moisture
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: None indicated
Availability: Seed is currently available from Jelitto; liners should be available now through wholesale growers

8. Lavandula stoechas

Common name: Spanish lavender
Trademark: Bandera Pink
Introduced by: Kieft Seed
USDA hardiness zone: Zones 7a to 10b
Ornamental features: Sturdy, bushy plants lots of flowers in spring and summer; attracts butterflies and honeybees; large, soft pink “flags” on spikes with deep rose flowers
Habit, size: 7 to 9 inches
Culture: Full sun; long-day beneficial, but will flower in short days; no vernalization needed; naturally compact, no PGR needed; medium water, fertilize every two weeks
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: Susceptible to mites and aphids; scout for Botrytis, Phytophthora, leafspot and root rot
Availability: Liners; quart, gallon containers; also available as raw seed

9. Aquilegia scopulorum

Common name: Utah Blue columbine var. ‘Native Roots’
Trademark: Native Roots™
Introduced by: Native Roots
USDA hardiness zone: Zone 4
Ornamental features: This Native Roots™ aquilegia is uniquely small player; it has a beautiful blue color in both the bloom and foliage
Habit, size: 8 to 12 inches tall and wide
Culture: Sun to part shade; low water after establishment
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: Mildew resistant and drought tolerant
Availability: Plugs, 4-inch and 1-gallon containers

10. Scutellaria scordifolia ‘Pat Hayward’

Common name: Sky’s Edge™ scutellaria
Trademark: Sky’s Edge™
Introduced by: Plant Select
USDA hardiness zone: Zones 5 to 10
Ornamental features: Rounded plant with deep, purplish blue blooms in summer; well-behaved plant for rock gardens or hot, small areas next to sidewalks or driveways
Habit, size: 12 to 16 inches tall by 16 to 20 inches wide
Culture: Full sun; well-drained loam or sandy soils; moderate to dry conditions
Pest/disease problems; unique resistance: None indicated
Availability: 2.5-inch, quart and #1 gallon containers
How Do Palm Trees Withstand Hurricanes?

How Do Palm Trees Withstand Hurricanes?
Palm trees sway in the strong wind at Santa Lucia Beach, in Cuba, on Sept. 9, 2017, during Hurricane Irma.
Credit: Str/Xinhua/Zuma

Trees generally snap, or at least lose a few branches, when faced with hurricane-strength winds. Not palm trees. These staples of the tropics typically bend during gusty weather.
How does the mighty palm usually stay standing, swaying — sometimes violently — in storms?